Maintain a lifelong relation with your alumni

Boomerangs provides a unique corporate management solution to stay connected with your alumni.

Features that get you results

Transform how you collaborate with your Alumni. Engage with them efficiently, build a talent pool, exchange ideas and create job opportunities.

Document Centre
Personalized Messaging
Centralized Directory
Attrition Insights

Why do you need an Alumni management platform?

A strategic initiative to stay connected with the former employees. Nurture the relationships beyond the boundaries of employment

Brand Advocacy

Exchange documents with the alumni in an automated way.

Convert former employees with a positive experience into brand advocates.
Improve your Glassdoor rankings and enhance your brand image.
Improve the social media presence by getting the alumni talking about you.

Drive Revenues

Maintaining a positive relationship with alumni can lead to partnerships, collaborations or business opportunities with their new ventures, thus contributing to revenue growth.

Alumni know about your products or services. These members when engaged will have a bias in favor of your company. Former employees can be your future customers, or better can be a source of business referrals. The engaged alumni like to see your business prosper, even after they left.

Save Recruitment Costs

Exchange documents with the alumni in an automated way.

 Re-hire the top talent, their retention as boomerangs hires is always high.
Source candidate referrals from the alumni and save thousands of dollars.
Alumni Referrals are the third most important source of hires, with employee referrals being No 1.

Core Values

Customer Centric
Understand customer needs, and work relentlessly to exceed their expectations.
Bias for Action
Encourages to act quickly and decisively in face of ambiguity and change
Uphold highest ethical standards in all business dealings
Encourage creativity and willingness to explore new ideas and solutions
Commitment to excellence in all aspects of the business

Top Companies use
to drive their Alumni Network Program

Begin your Journey with us